A downloadable game for Windows and macOS

Cheese Frenzy is a game about a simple man on his quest for cheese... consume as much cheese as you can to upgrade your cheese inspired abilities.


    WASD or Arrow Keys

    E - interact

How to Play:

the abilities will automatically fire. upgrades on your left panel will permanently upgrade for future levels and attempts. weapon upgrades will only upgrade for the current level


Software: Caleb Millard

Graphics and technical art: Curtis Esau


CheeseFrenzy1.4 Mac 65 MB
CheezeFrenzy1.4 Windows 51 MB

Development log


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Well howdy partner, let me tell ya 'bout the best dang game you'll ever play on this side of the ol' world wide web. It's called "Cheese Frenzy: A Human Tale", and it's a real hoot! You play as a little ol' mouse who's out to steal as much cheese as he can from a human's home. Now, I ain't no expert on fancy graphics and all that, but I can tell ya that the game looks downright purdy. The colors are bright and the graphics are top notch, and the game's got some mighty fine background music to boot. But what really sets this game apart is the way it blends puzzles and action. It'll keep you on the edge of your seat, partner! And don't you worry 'bout them controls - they're as easy as shootin' fish in a barrel. So grab yer hat and saddle up, 'cause "Cheese Frenzy: A Human Tale" is the game you don't wanna miss!

Hey adastorm,

Not sure about the puzzles, but thank you for your feedback; we love to hear that you loved the game!


I have not downloaded the game yet, but i'm loving the cheese graphic. Keep up the good work!